Rekrutacja do szkoły doktorskiej na rok akademicki 2024/25 kształcenie w języku angielskim

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Literaturoznawstwo w języku angielskim

Jednostka organizacyjna Szkoła doktorska
Dziedzina/dyscyplina naukowa Literaturoznawstwo
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Szkoła doktorska
Języki wykładowe angielski
Czas trwania 4 lata
Adres WWW
Wymagany dokument
  • Lista dokumentów uprawniajacych do rekrutacji w szkole doktorskiej
  Zadaj pytanie
Obecnie nie trwają zapisy.

Minione tury w tej rekrutacji:
  • Tura 1 (19.08.2024 08:00 – 30.08.2024 23:59)

Description of Doctoral School

The Doctoral School at the Kazimierz Wielki University conducts education in English in four disciplines including discipline of literary studies in the field of humanisties.

Recruitment schedule

  • from 19 to 30 August– candidates may register in the IRK system
  • from 19 to 30 August – candidates shall enter legible scans of the documents (PDF format) or may submit a document required in the recruitment process from 26 to 30 August  in hours from 9.00 to 14.00 (Biuro ds. Stopni, ul. J.K. Chodkiewicza 30, room no 126)
  • from 9 to 20 September – interview
  • up to  7 days after the end of the qualification procedure –  announcement of the results of the qualification procedure
  • to 27 September – making a declarations and submitting original documents by qualified candidates

Work schedule of the addmisions committee for literary studies discipline:

Selection process

Two-stage selection process:

  •  I stage: the evaluation of candidate’s scientific activities and additional activities
  • II stage: interview – the evaluation of candidate’s scientific potential

The recruitment conditions and criteria to the Doctoral School

Members of recruitment committees

The required documents

Candidates shall enter legible scans of the documents (PDF format) in the IRK system in the period from 19 to 30 August 2024 or may submit a document required in the recruitment process from 26 to 30 August 2024 in hours from 9.00 to 14.00 (Biuro ds. Stopni, ul. Chodkiewicza 30, room no 126). Submission of incomplete documents or submission of documents after the deadline provides the basis for leaving the application without consideration.

Documents drawn up in a foreign language (other than English) shall be submitted by the candidate together with their translation into English. Translations of official documents must be certified by a sworn translator.

The candidate shall provide the original documents to the Office of Degrees (UKW) not later than by 27 September 2024. In special instances, upon a written request of the candidate, the chairman of the recruitment committee may decide to extend the deadline for submitting documents.

Training programme in English

Education lasts for 4 years.

The training programme includes: 100 hours of basic and specialist classes; 180 hours of doctoral seminars; 60 hours of work placement; Polish language course. An individual research plan is implemented under the supervision of a supervisor.


Doctoral students are guided by a given supervisor. The consent of the supervisor is required. To find a supervisor please check the list of supervisors and the list of proposed research topics.


For  four years of education each doctoral student receives a scholarship. The scholarship amount is 3 466,90 zł gross per month during the first two years of study and 5 340,90 zł gross per month during the next two years (after the mid-term evaluation).

The scholarship amounts may be later changed.

Recruitment rules and criteria for Doctoral School